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I'm Sherrie, and I would love to share the overflow of my heart with you.

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Thanks for visiting! Please make yourself at home and stay as long as you like. I’d like to share a little of my heart and ministry with you.

What I desire most for you, my friend, is that you will truly know my Jesus.

Because of Him and the life that He’s given we can have abundant life…and I don’t think we should wait for heaven to begin living it.

I believe God’s Word is God’s very breath and was intentionally given so that we might know Him and know how to live…really live…in response to who He is and what He has done.

I have found Jesus’ promise in John 4:14 to be true, “whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” I am passionate about life in Christ. It is welling up inside of me. For that reason, I would love the opportunity to share with you from the overflow of my heart.

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We need God’s love and we are called to live in response to it. The purpose of this book is to encourage women to understand what real living is and that it is possible because of God’s love.

Sherrie HollowayAuthor, For the Love of God
Get Sherrie's Book on Amazon

Here’s What People Have to Say About Sherrie’s Ministry

Thank you for your commitment to Jesus Christ and His purpose in your life.

I was personally moved by your presentation and learned from your knowledge and experiences.

I have been stretched and grown and entertained by your ministry.

I love the correlation you can make between sports and life. Thank you for giving 100% to everything you do.

I know I can use your ideas in both my personal and professional life. Thanks for sharing your talents.

Thank you for sharing from your heart with us [and] for your example of living a fulfilled and godly life.